Wow, how incredible! Such a perfect (PERFECT) reflection I can’t quite believe it. I’m so glad you savoured it first but still managed to get a photo - the best of both worlds honestly. And thoughts and prayers for Lee and Michael whilst your bookshelves were getting fitted - a very hard day for them I’m sure x

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Thank you for the kind words, Martha!! And yes--Lee and Michael are in our prayers for sure LOL

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Absolutely awe-inspiring!! I am not a writer, and just barely an articulater (not a word?), and this acknowledges so many unspoken pockets in my happy, grateful existence. Heart heart kiss hug squeeze love you

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Thank you, sweet Daisy!!!!! <3<3<3 love always

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This was just magnificent. I love you and I am grateful to know you!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I loved this. I feel like we'd be friends IRL. That's what reading your writing feels like, talking to a friend.

This was wonderful. The slippery fish of memory and the net of words we try to use to catch it is often inadequate. but sometimes the act of fishing is the thing. Sometimes that is enough.

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What sweetness is this!?! Thank you, Evelyn <3

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